24 December 2011

Wishing You a Very Merry Perry Christmas!

We had serious issues trying to pick our holiday card picture this year. We finally decided to use one from our West Coast trip, which maybe wasn't the best idea because the one we ended up using was just about the only good photo of the both of us we took during our entire 2.5 week vacation and you can't even tell where we are. We got it printed the first time with this picture from Seattle to Bainbridge but the printing was way too dark.

Take two... we used the next best picture we could find. This should say something about the pictures we took while we were out there. Let's just say we (intentionally) missed the boat on the generational "MySpace" self-portraits and we haven't mastered the art of taking our self-portraits quite yet. I have faith that someday we will get there...

Of course you couldn't see the background after it was cropped for the card we used. If you could have seen it in the picture, here's what it would have looked like. SO PRETTY. Take me back!

 Just for kicks... here are the failure outtakes from the same location.
[1. zoom fail  2. KT wonk-eye fail  3. cut out the pretty background + cut off JB ear fail]

By the time we were supposed to send the cards out, I was out of steam for the annual letter I usually write. Sorry to those who missed it. I wish I could use the excuse of, "but we have a blog so you should know what we've done all year and you shouldn't need an overview of our year" but I know I've been falling behind on the blog-writing front so I don't even think I can say that!

I really wanted to write "Merry Perry Christmas" on our card. Jason even helped me come up with "A Very Merry Perry Christmas from Candyfornia" since the picture we ultimately used was taken in California. Instead I used a tacky peppermint layout that I loved only because it had peppermints on it. It was subtly Candyfornialicious and thus, less outwardly crazy. Also, I prefer to make our cards all-encompassing (holidays, not just Christmas). But I hope you all know we were wishing you a Very Merry Perry Christmas anyway because that's the kind of year we had (and you all know I'm kind of crazy anyway). If you don't even know to what I'm referring, it's probably best to just carry on...

Happy Holidays to all!