It was fun to go because it was a fancy event and we got to get all dressed up - I love getting dressed up every once in a while! Here we are before leaving our apartment.
And then again at my parents' house before cabbing it to DC. Now you can see what we're wearing!
Here we are with my parents at the gala.
Here we are with our friends who joined us, Jessica and Joel.
In other news, we saw my little cousin Emma's ballet recital this morning (she's one of the flower girls) and it was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. She did so great! Unfortunately, it went a little longer than expected so we couldn't go out and celebrate with the ballerina herself, but she sure was amazing!
Jason and I looked at a different apartment this morning and decided to apply for it and get rid of the deposit on the other place. We can save a lot of money if we get this place so our fingers are crossed! Plus it's really close to my work which is nice - I'll have a nice bike path to get to it which will be really great!
This coming weekend we're trekking it out to Frederick to do more wedding-related planning - we're meeting with a DJ and a hair stylist. We'll see if they can tame my mane! It takes lots and lots of bobbypins to get my hair all up... enough to make airport metal detectors go off! That literally happened to me once... can you imagine? Craziness.
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